Fort River PGO Information

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Amherst Education Foundation seeking administrative assistant

The Amherst Education Foundation is seeking a part-time (20 hours/month)  Administrative Assistant to assist with our work fundraising and providing grants to educators in the Amherst Regional Public Schools. For more information about the organization, please see our website:

Duties include coordinating mailings, depositing and keeping track of checks and other donations; keeping QuickBooks and donor database updated; checking mailbox and email regularly; preparing thank you letters and correspondence; and working with Treasurer on budget. The ideal candidate will have excellent organizational skills, work well independently, and have some knowledge of budgeting. The work takes approximately 20 hours per month, although the work is not always evenly divided across months (e.g., May is busier than July).

Review of applications will begin May 27th and continue until the position is filled.