Fort River PGO Information

Monday, April 29, 2019

PGO Coffee with the Principal

This Friday, May 3 at 9am in the Fort River Library.

Are there questions you have but can't seem to find the time to call or email? The Friday PGO coffee will be a chance to ask! 
Diane will join the coffee and wants to answer any questions about the programming at Fort River that you  may have.  If she can't answer right away, she will get the information you are looking for as soon as possible. 
Please join us to guide the discussion!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The PGO needs you!

Do you have some time to spare and want to get more active with the school's PGO?

We need you! The PGO is looking for new members to fill the important roles of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications. Don't worry, you won't be left alone - current members in those positions will still be around for at least another year.

For treasurer, you need 3 things: familiarity with Excel, organizational skills and checkbook smarts.

For communications, you need to be familiar with Facebook, taking screenshots and cut & paste. Blogger and MailChimp are a plus, but can be learned easily.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Fort River in the news!

Check out this news clip about advocacy at Fort River:!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Spring Fundraiser - Dutch Mill Bulbs - Due April 30th

Dear Fort River Families & Staff,

Just in time for MOTHER’S DAY! These spring bulbs and plants are a great way to beautify our community while helping the PGO fund curriculum mini-grants, Field Day and the Yearbook!

  • Each bulb package option is conveniently priced at $10. We keep 50%!
  • Checks should be made out to "Fort River PGO.” Cash is also accepted!
  • Order forms and payment should be returned to your classroom teacher or the Main Office by Tuesday April 30th.
  • Our custom Fort River online fundraising link is available for supporters outside of the local area:

Be sure to let out-of-town friends and relatives know that they can also participate in our flower bulb fundraiser by using our custom link above. You can also use this link to send orders directly to your someone special for Mother’s Day! Online orders are shipped directly to the customer based on the appropriate planting time for the state in which they live. A minimal shipping fee may apply (no shipments to Alaska or Hawaii.) Online orders will be accepted through Tuesday May 7th.

Questions? Please email Stacey Beganny:


¡Justo a tiempo para el DÍA DE LAS MADRES! ¡Estos bulbos de primavera y plantas son una excelente manera de embellecer a nuestra comunidad y al mismo tiempo ayudar al PGO a financiar las minibecas de currículo, el día de juegos (Field Day) y el anuario!

  • Cada opción de paquete de bulbos tiene un precio asequible de $10. ¡Conservamos el 50%!
  • Los cheques deben hacerse a "Fort River PGO". ¡También se acepta efectivo!
  • Los formularios de pedido y el pago deben devolverse a la maestra o la oficina principal antes del martes 30 de abril.
  • El enlace de Fort River para recaudación de fondos en línea está disponible para colaboradores fuera del área local:

Asegúrese de que los amigos y familiares de fuera de la ciudad sepan que también pueden participar en nuestra recaudación de fondos con bulbos de flores utilizando el enlace personalizado anterior. ¡También puede usar este enlace para enviar sus pedidos directamente a aquellas personas especiales para el Día de las Madres! Los pedidos en línea se envían directamente al cliente en función del tiempo de siembra adecuado para el estado en el que viven. Se aplicará una tarifa de envío mínima (sin envíos a Alaska o Hawai). Se aceptarán pedidos en línea hasta el martes 7 de mayo.

¿Preguntas? Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Stacey Beganny:

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Tag Sale and Car Wash

5th grade Tag Sale & 6th grade Car Wash will be Saturday, April 27th from 9-noon.

Please come support the 5th and 6th grade field trips to Boston!

Also, 5th grade is accepting donations for the tag sale - please bring smaller items to F-2 before or after school this week. Large item donations will be accepted on Friday, April 26th from 3-5 pm. 

Roger L. Wallace Award for Excellence in Teaching

We are writing to invite you to nominate an outstanding teacher to receive the prestigious Roger L. Wallace Excellence in Teaching Award.

A group of parents, alumni and retired educators, partnering with the Amherst Education Foundation, and collaborating with the Amherst Public Schools, created this award to honor Amherst and Pelham elementary teachers and recognize excellence in teaching! One teacher will be honored each year and the award and includes a stipend of $1000.

Nominations are due April 30, 2019. Details can be found here:

Circuits and Code

You are invited to a great show.

Circuits & Code is the all-ages, free project showcase of M5, the UMass Amherst Makerspace for Solid-State Electronics and Computing Machinery.

For our planning purposes we do ask you to register and obtain your event ticket here, but an event ticket is not required for admission. Come whether or not you have an eventbrite ticket. However, if you do get an eventbrite ticket and you print it out and drop into our special ticket box at Circuits & Code before 5 PM you will automatically be eligible for a seriously cool door prize.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Sing this summer

Sing This Summer offers exceptional week-long programs for young singers in grades 2-12 on the beautiful Amherst College campus, in Amherst, MA. This summer we’ll be welcoming returning and new campers to our program in two distinct sessions: June 23-28 and July 7-12. We would love to have your students join us! Students can now register online at

SING! (grades 7-12) offers daily classes in musical theater, choir, individual and group voice lessons, musicianship, movement and collegiate-style a cappella with recreational activities interspersed throughout the day for a balance of intensive music and fun.

SING! Jr. (grades 2-6) features all of the same classes and recreational activities as SING! while focusing on helping younger students explore their vocal skills and build musicianship skills.

Amherst Invitational Ultimate Tournament

The 28th Annual Amherst Invitational is May 11-12.  Come to Amherst Regional High School and Middle School to see 32 top teams compete in this exciting tournament.  Games generally run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Free, but food and merchandise will be available for purchase.  Check out the Facebook page for news and updates: Amherst Invitational Ultimate Tournament.

PK-6 School regionalization

Amherst and Pelham are exploring regionalizing their PK-6 elementary schools. Attend a public forum to learn about the Regional School District Planning Board's work to date, and give your feedback:
More info available at

Friday, April 5, 2019

ARHS Principal Search Update

The interview committee has met with the candidates for the open Amherst Regional High School Principal position, and three highly-qualified individuals are being brought forward to the community. 

Finalist will be available to meet with Parents/Guardians and the community in the Choral room from 5:15-6:30pm on the day of their interview.

Finalist Schedule:
·       Alan Strauss: Monday, April 8, 2019
·       Shannon Magee: Wednesday, April 10, 2019
·       Gene Jones: Thursday, April 11, 2019

More information: