Fort River PGO Information

Friday, March 22, 2019

Fresh Air Fund - looking for families to host children in the summer

For a moment, think about the summertime.  What excites you?  What are your favorite childhood  memories?  For me, it is catching fire flies, going swimming in the neighbors’ pool, and riding my bike. Opportunities such as these look very different for children who live in the city.  Positive experiences shape our self esteem, confidence, independence and best of all become memories and possible friendships that last a lifetime.

Volunteer host families open their hearts and homes to children who might not otherwise be able to enjoy a summer away from New York City, and often say they receive more from the program than they give. With your help, we hope to send more Fresh Air children to the Pioneer Valley on a free, enriching summer experience!

For more information, visit or contact Samantha Burns ( or 413-575-7680).