1. Stop & Shopʼs A+ BonusBucks Program
Use your Stop & Shop card and Fort River earns a
percentage of your total purchases every month! Registering your card is easy
and you only have to do it once. Call 1-877-366-2668 or visit www.stopandshop.com/aplus
Fort River ID # 05218
2. AmazonSmile
Be sure to designate the Fort River Elementary School Parent
Council when doing your Amazon shopping. Visit smile.amazon.com to support the
PGO. The Amazon Smile Foundation will donate a percentage of the price of
eligible purchases to the charitable organizations selected by customers.
Fort River ID Fort River Elementary School Parent
3. Atkins Farms Country Market
When you shop at Atkins Farms Country Market mention our
reward number - #83 - and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to
Fort River School. Just let them know when you are checking out.
Fort River ID # 83
4. Box Tops for Education
No need to remember ID numbers or register a card for this
one! Just clip Box Tops for Education from the eligible products that you
already buy and send them in with your child at the end of every month. If you
are interested, you can visit www.boxtops4education.com to enter to win additional
prizes for Fort River.
Thank you so much for your support!
Please encourage your friends and relatives to designate
Fort River at Stop & Shop and Atkins Market, use our AmazonSmile page, and
send in those Box Tops, too!!!!