Fort River PGO Information

Monday, April 10, 2017

Valley Gives Day on May 2

The 4th annual Valley Gives Day is just a month away! This is a 24-hour online giving day that allows people throughout the Pioneer Valley and beyond to support hundreds of local nonprofits.

This year, ARHS/ARMS Athletics (Hurricane Boosters) is participating for the first time, as well as some of the PGOs. Organizations are eligible for incentive prizes based on the number of donors – no matter how big or small the gifts – so save the date, spread the word, and help our organizations raise thousands of dollars to benefit our students and schools. The Amherst Education Foundation is another organization whose sole purpose is to raise money for grants awarded to ARPS educators. Please consider supporting AEF on Valley Gives Day.

Fort River PGO is not participating in Valley Gives Day this year but welcomes ongoing donations to the Annual Fund throughout the year. Checks may be made out to "Fort River PGO" and sent into the front office. There is also a PayPal button on the blog home page.