message from Interim Superintendent Dr. Michael Morris and Director of Student Services Dr. Faye Brady
October 16, 2016
Dear Families,
Many of you may have heard the news this weekend that our community has suffered a tragedy. Late Friday night/early Saturday morning there was a fatal shooting in Amherst. Although this is still an active police investigation, we do know that one person was fatally shot and another is hospitalized. When tragic events occur, we know that many will be impacted either directly or indirectly. It is important that we all recognize that there is no one way that people respond to tragic events and the impact of stress is experienced in many ways. There is no right or wrong way to cope and each person will need to use the coping skills that are appropriate for them. Below are several resources that you may find helpful to guide you as you and your family cope with our community’s tragedy. If you need a translated copy of any of these resources, please let us know.
If you would like your child to speak with a counselor or psychologist, please call your child’s school to let us know. Personnel will be available to meet with students as needed.
Also, if you would like to share information that would be helpful for the teacher(s) to know, please let us know that as well.
As always, we welcome your partnership and support. We offer our sympathy and support to all families that are suffering or struggling. Please stay in touch with us if we can directly support you or offer guidance towards resources that may be helpful.
Michael Morris, Ed.D.
Faye Brady, Ed.D.
Director of Student Services
School contact numbers: Crocker Farm: 362-1600; Fort River: 362-1200; Wildwood: 362-1400; Pelham: 362-1100; ARMS: 362-1800; ARHS: 362-1700; SEC: 362-1753
16 de octubre del 2016
Estimadas familias:
Muchos de ustedes habran escuchado que nuestra comunidad sufrio una tragedia este fin de semana. En la madrugada del sabado hubo un asesinato en Amherst. Aunque la investigacion policiaca continua, sabemos que una persona fue balaceada mortalmente y otra persona sigue hospitalizada.
Cuando eventos tragicos ocurren, sabemos que muchos seran impactados directa o indirectamente. Es importante reconocer que las personas responden de distintas maneras a eventos tragicos y el estres impacta de muchas maneras. No hay una manera correcta o incorrecta de reaccionar y cada persona debe utilizar los medios de mediar que sean adecuados para ellos. Abajo incluimos recursos que podran encontrar de utilidad para ayudarlo a mediar con esta tragedia comunitaria. Si desea una copia traducida, dejenos saber.
Si desea que su hijo hable con un consejero o psicologo, llama a la escuela de su hijo/a y dejenos saber. Empleados de apoyo van a estar disponible para reunirse con los que necesiten. Si tiene informacion que compartir con sus maestros que puede ser de ayuda, dejenos saber tambien.
Como siempre, agradecemos su apoyo y hermandad.
Le ofrecemos nuestro pesame y apoyo a todas las familias afectadas y/o estan sufriendo. Por favor, mantengase en comunicacion con nosotros y diganos si le podemos ofrecer apoyo adicional u ofrecer recursos adicionales para ayudarlos.
Michael Morris, Ed.D.
Superintendente interino
Faye Brady, Ed.D.
Directora de Asuntos Estudiantiles
Numeros de contacto de las escuelas.
Crocker Farm: 362-1600; Fort River: 362-1200; Wildwood: 362-1400; Pelham: 362-1100;ARMS: 362-1800; ARHS: 362-1700; SEC: 362-1753
Family letter- Spanish- 10.16.16.pdf
Family letter 10.16.16.pdf