Fort River PGO Information

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

"How Does Town Meeting Work?" Join us for PGO Coffee with the Principal this Friday, February 5th to Find Out!

Please join your friends Friday, February 5th at 9 am for coffee, donuts, and informative conversation! 

Special Guest Jim Pistrang, Amherst Town Meeting Moderator, will join us to talk about how Town Meeting works.  Topics to be covered include Town Meeting composition, rules, and procedures, how to become a member, and how items get addressed at Town Meeting. There will also be time for questions. 

This year Town Meeting will be considering funding for several capital projects including the Amherst Elementary School Building Project

The deadline to submit paperwork to be listed on the ballot as a candidate for Town Meeting is February 9th. Write-in candidates are allowed. 

Monthly PGO coffees take place on or about the 15th of each month. The dates can be found on the PGO calendar which is on the right side of the blog home page. Some coffees will take place in the evening. There will usually be a presentation for families and specifics will be available on the blog, FB, and Twitter.

Please share with your friends and neighbors! Your infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are always welcome! Families with future Amherst Elementary school children are also welcome to attend. We hope to see you there!