Please join us and your friends on Tuesday, September 15 at 9 am for coffee, donuts, and informative conversation!
Our administration will discuss recent ARPS and Fort River specific safety initiatives and take questions. Families are also invited to brainstorm PGO sponsored social and community events. Several fundraising initiatives that are underway will be described, however new ideas and volunteers are always welcome. Finally, the PGO board will present the proposed PGO budget for the current school year. The budget can be accessed via this link:
Monthly coffees will take place on or about the 15th of each month. The dates can be found on the PGO calendar which is on the right side of the blog home page. Some coffees will take place in the evening. There will usually be a presentation for families and specifics will be available on the blog, FB, and Twitter. Your infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are always welcome!
Please share with your Fort River friends!