Fort River PGO Information

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thank you for another amazing year at Fort River School

Fellow parents and guardians - We have made it through another school year - FINALLY.  As I look through the yearbook with my child, I am reminded once again of the wonderful resources our Fort River community has in our staff, our children and our parents and guardians.  I would like to thank my fellow PGO officers for their work over this past year - Becky Schneider, Jessica Sproehnle, Jenn Green and Dawn Lepere - and I look forward to working together again next year.

Many thanks to:
·         Beatriz Garcia, who, for the past 2 years, has provided translation into Spanish for the PGO; 
·          Sue Borden & Suzanne Schilling for coordinating this year’s 6th grade activities and graduation;
·          Joy Ratzlaff-Sullivan for yet another beautiful yearbook, provided free to each student, thanks in big part to –
·         Pam Rietkerk & Rebecca Kennedy for a successful Annual Fund;
·         Catherine McGraw for a wonderful potluck to celebrate and thank our bus and van drivers;
·         Jacquelyn Kang for the Summer Read-a-Thon;
·         Tammy Rahhal Schulkind and Tim Farnham for organizing a super fun field day;
·         Kathleen Traphagen for coordinating our Cultural Enrichment Program;
·         Suzanne Schilling for a much deserved Staff Appreciation party;
·         Traci Hess, John Wells and Nat Larson for their weekly dedication to teaching our kids that “Savings Makes Cents;”
·         Ken Leblond for web wizardry;
·         Lisa Masteralexis for her continuing BoxTops coordination;
·         And especially to all who came out to help with various events, committees, projects - thank you, thank you, thank you.

Finally, thank you many times over to the administrative and custodial staff at the school.  Without their continuing (and always willing) support, the PGO could not function.  Karen, Suzanne, Lisa, John, James, Danny and Eric - you are my heroes!

Liz Larson, PGO President