Fort River 3rd Grade Fall Pot-Luck
Please join us for a pot-luck for the families of Grade 3.
Sunday, October 24
Groff Park
Bring the whole family for food, fun, and a chance to get to know each other!
We have created a Please Bring It sign-up for this event. Please go to to sign up, or let any of the room parents know what you are able to bring.
Please bring re-usable dinner ware and cups for your family; limited paper products will be provided.
Please call or email any of the 3rd grade room parents with questions:
Iris Berkman (Griswold) -; 253-3787
Jacquelyn Kang (Fournier) -; 230-3284
Suzanne Schilling (Bhowmik/Sautter) -; 253-4697