Fort River PGO Information

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Bus/Van Driver Appreciation Breakfast

Dear Fort River families,

I wanted to thank all the parents who contributed to the bus/van driver appreciation breakfast this year.  Again, it was a huge success because of all the wonderful food items that were brought in.  I know it is hard for most parents to be able to stay and chat with our drivers, but I wish some of you could have seen the gratitude on their faces.  This event means so much to them.  It shows our drivers how grateful we are, as parents, that they are keeping our children safe on a daily basis, and that we know what an extremely stressful and important job they have.  Many thanks to everyone for all your help.  You make this volunteer position very easy for me!!

Also, thank you to the Parent Council for providing the Dunkin Donuts gift cards to the bus drivers.  They all love receiving them.

With gratitude,
Jenn Wellman