Fort River PGO Information

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fall Festival--Please Volunteer and Help Recruit Volunteers

Hi, I'm writing to ask for your help in recruiting more volunteers for the Fall Festival. We still need a few more people who can help out at the craft and game tables and monitor the snack table, the survival center table, the halls and the playground from 6:00 to 8:00pm. The more people the more fun and the easier it is. There are no skills required, specific instructions/directions will be provided. Two people could even split a shift or do one together. It's really a fun way to participate in a really fun event. The kids have a blast and the costumes and parade are really awesome! If you can give us some of your time (and have a great time in return!) please contact Louise Levy, tel. 256-1930,, or Gina Chaplain, tel. 253-1955, Please forward this information to the parents in your classrooms and/or spread the word to any else you think may be interested. Thank you, Gina and Louise For more info, click here for the Fall Festival Volunteer Form.